professional copy trading services

Introducing the Dreamfire52 Distributed Forex Fund

Investment Goal

First and foremost, the purpose and goal of this investment is to significantly outperform the S&P 500. In addition, Dreamfire52 is a great alternative investment for our clients who might already be invested in the stock market. Diversification is a key element to successful investing. This program allows the investor to diversify in several ways.
In addition to beating the S&P 500, we also target our trading to outperform all major asset classes (Gold, Real estate, Bitcoin, The Major Indexes). The following matrix is populated monthly so that you may compare our performance with each of these asset classes. (Click here to compare our performance with other major asset classes)."
We created this investment vehicle to perform like a hedge fund without the disadvantages. There are no long term contracts. Your money is kept in your own brokerage account, not pooled together in a General or limited partnership. This means that you have access to your own money at all times and may add or withdraw as you wish. You can turn the system on or off at will. Dreamfire52 also has a very reasonable fee structure as compared with most hedge funds and our personal service and support is outstanding.

Investment Strategy & Risks

The Dreamfire52 program utilizes short term trading in order to surpass the S&P and other asset classes. Our trades generally last anywhere from a few minutes to a month. We focus completely on Forex and generally keep our leverage below 10:1. On occasion we might go as high as 15:1. The goal is to make small trades based on the trend, momentum, and/or news events. Our trades can be both algorithmic and discretionary. In general, our strategy is to make a lot of small trades. (Click here to view our investment thesis). Any type of investment holds some risk. We cannot guarantee that we will exceed the gains of the S&P 500. Forex involves leverage. Losses are possible, even large losses. (Click here to view our disclosure statement).
Consider your risk tolerance or consult a financial advisor before making any large decisions. We are traders, not financial advisors. We cannot advise on your specific situation. We believe in the "Skin in the game" concept. We are not only owners of Dreamfire52, we are investors as well, and we invest a major portion of our own capital in this financial product. We believe this creates a win/win environment for everyone.

How does it work?

Using our proprietary copy trading application with Oanda's V20 Trading API, we can copy our trades on to your account, in the correct proportion to your account balance. When we buy, you buy. When we sell, you sell. All of this is done in your own Oanda brokerage account and is completely passive to the user. Using this method, there is no need to pool client money or create partnership contracts. The investor has full control of the money in their account. The API only allows us to trade the account. Full documentation for the Oanda V20 API is located here. (Click here to view documentation for the Oanda V20 API).

Dreamfire52 Fee Structure

Our fee structure is simple. We charge a monthly fee of 1% of capital for every month as long as your account is in profit overall. Discounts apply to investors with a balance over $25,000. There are no charges while an account is not in profit. There are no other fees.
(Click here to see our fee structure)

Getting Started

Getting started is fast and easy. Follow these 3 steps to get started with a free 30 day trial period. That is all. After this, your setup is complete and we will begin trading for you.